We would like to invite you to participate in our “Best of the year” poll! Together let’s pick the most interesting ALBUM(s), COMPILATION(s) and LABEL, EVENT, DJ, RADIO and some more categories of 2015.
250 votes have been registered so far, and a bit more then 2 weeks of votes are ahead of us.
Our goal is to promote the projects and artists that made you happy through their music during the last year. We are sure that artists will appreciate your support here.
You don’t have to listen all of the options listed, just highlight the one that you have enjoyed and the one that you would like to recommend to others.
We would like to use this occasion to remind you about the fragility of the market. Many labels and artists are having difficulties due to the low benefit from music sales and high amount of pirated content. Please be wise and support the one who you think deserves it.
Keep in mind that most of the questions are optional, so you can skip them if you don’t feel like answering. To thank you for your time we will randomly choose 10-20 people among the participants who will receive awesome music from our partners.
open the poll link for more details